Serving with Impact Africa
Hello! My name is Ashley. I grew up in Tennessee where I lived with my parents, my brother, and my sister. My family has always been super involved with volunteering with churches and nonprofits back at home, but I knew I would be doing more with my life than just volunteering once or twice a week.
I felt the call of Africa when I was 9 years old. I was listening to the radio with my mom and the man being interviewed was talking about the HIV/AIDs crisis that is happening in Africa. I looked at my mom and told her I was going to live in Africa one day. I doubt she believed me at the time, but she had time to warm up to the idea.
In July 2012, I went on my first mission trip to Zambia. That trip completely changed my life and solidified my need to share the Gospel with every tribe and nation. Since then, I had gone on a few other mission trips (Zambia/South Africa 2013, India 2014, South Africa 2015). In January 2016 I joined an internship with Impact Africa in South Africa for 2 years.
This has been a vision long in the making, but now I get to live my dream of working as a full time missionary here! It has been quite the journey to get to where I am today, but I am so excited to see how God will continue to use me as this new chapter of my life unfolds.